Clinical Psychology Careers Talk
As a student who is aiming towards a career in the area of Psychology, I found Dr Shuck’s talk incredibly helpful for highlighting career prospects in the field of Psychology.
Clinical Psychology has come up as a potential course for university study, but I never understood what it truly en-tailed, in that regard it was very informative. Dr Schuck also highlighted the challenges that you may encounter when seeking a career in the field including the work ethic that you must maintain, as well as talking about the spe-cific requirements such as grades and ideal post-graduate courses to enter the profession.
Ultimately, this talk and the others that take in place in school give me and other students the opportunity to en-gage with experts from many different professional fields and also helps to provide all students with the information needed to help plan for their futures in terms of what courses we may chose for GCSE, A-Level as well as Uni-versity. I am excited by the prospect of Dr Shuck return-ing to St Benedict’s to deliver a mock lecture in the not too distant future and appreciate the time professionals such as Dr Schuck dedicate to coming in to St Benedict’s to help inform all students about potential study and ca-reer options.
Jack Maher, Year 13