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St Benedict's Catholic School

St Benedict's
Catholic School

Choosing your courses

The most important part of A level success is choosing the correct programme of study. For some this is easy, for others it is more challenging.

A good place to start is asking your current teachers about A level study and looking at your career aspirations. Some careers and university courses require particular combinations of subjects studied at GCSE.

It’s a very good idea to look closely at your career aspirations before making any choices and research this fully.

If you are not sure what you want to do in the future, it’s often a good idea to select courses that you are good at and will enjoy; students who enjoy their studies are more likely to do well. Keeping your options open can also be a good idea.

Our courses in the large part are ‘facilitating subjects’. These are subjects identified by some universities as their preferred study options.

They are the most traditional academic subjects and offer the best basis for students looking to study a traditional academic degree, or at one of the most competitive universities.

As we are a smaller, school-based Sixth Form we cannot offer every combination of subjects. Most of our students study three A levels, with some opting to take four. It is therefore important that students choose the best possible combination for them and put time into considering which subjects work well together. Students can choose from the range of subjects on offer in the prospectus and in order to support students in making good choices we ensure that sound combinations of subjects are available. Our blocking system is designed to support strong programmes of study. If the particular combination of subjects that you wish to study is not available please let us know. It is sometimes possible to move subjects or offer additional groups.

You can only select one subject from each column, and must study a minimum of three subjects.

Whilst we endeavour to ensure this information is as accurate as possible, we do on occasion make changes to our offer. Applicants will be notified in advance.

Subject Bandings

Column A Column B Column C Column D
Art & Design Business Design Technology Classical Civilisation
Biology Chemistry Geography Economics
Computing English Literature Physical Education Further Maths
Health & Social Care* French Physics History of Art
History Government & Politics Religious Education Maths
Maths Medical Science* Sociology Psychology


All courses are at A level unless specified otherwise (*).

Subject Entry Requirements

Subject Entry Requirement
Art & Design Grade 5 in Art 
Biology Grade 6-7 in Combined Science or 6 in Biology
Business Grade 5 in English Language & Maths
Chemistry Grade 6-7 in Combined Science or 6 in Chemistry
Classical Civilisation Grade 5 in a humanities subject
Computer Science Grade 6 in Computing or
6 in Maths and Science 
Economics Grade 5 in English and Maths
English Literature Grade 6 in English Literature
French Grade 5 in French 
Geography Grade 5 in Geography (will accept other humanities if not studied)
Government and Politics Grade 5 in a Humanities subject
Health and Social Care* Grade 4 in English Language &
History Grade 5 in History (will accept other humanities if not studied)
History of Art Grade 5/5 in Art and a humanities subject
Maths/Further Maths Grade 7 in Maths 
Medical Science* Biology 5 or 5/5 combined science
Physics Grade 6-7 in Additional Science or 6 in Physics
Physical Education Grade 5 in PE or 5-5 in Additional Science or Grade 5 in Biology
Product Design Grade 5 in Design Technology
(or design-based subject) 
Psychology Grade 6-6 in Additional Science or 6 in any Separate Science 
Religious Studies Grade 5 in RE (will accept other humanities if not studied)
Sociology Grade 5 in any Humanities subject 

Grade 5 in Spanish


Students should look to study subjects where they have achieved well or there is a good indication from other studies that they are likely to be successful.

Prior attainment is a good indication of likely performance and therefore we provide entry requirements to support students in making choices that will ensure their success.

In order to study at Level 3 (A levels and Level 3 Applied and Vocational courses) students should have at least 5 grade 4 and above, plus the requirements above to be considered for any of our courses. We will always consider each student on a case-by-case basis.