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St Benedict's Catholic School

St Benedict's
Catholic School


Welcome to the SEND area of our website.  This area will help you understand the provision and support children with SEND will get at St. Benedict’s.

At St. Benedict’s, we aim to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum and make the maximum progress they are capable of achieving whatever their area or level of need.

We are an inclusive school that identifies and celebrates the strengths and achievements of all pupils including those with disabilities. Pupils with disabilities are fully included in their class, with reasonable steps taken to ensure they can physically, socially and emotionally access all areas of the curriculum and are seen as a valued member of their class by both their teachers and peers.

We work closely with parents and pupils to ensure the best help is given and we follow a child centred approach; for example, we hold Pupil Perception interviews where children with SEND are asked how they feel about the help that is given to them and what helps them best with their learning; we also involve them as much as possible with their education using the One Page Profile.

More detailed information about the identification, assessment and interventions for SEND support, as well as how this is reviewed can be found in our SEND Policy which is on the website. Arrangements for the admission of disabled children are also detailed in the SEND section of the website under Accessibility.