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St Benedict's Catholic School

St Benedict's
Catholic School

Year 6 'New Parents’ Information Evening

17th May 2020

Dear Year 6 student and family,

I hope that you are all well.  I wrote previously to invite you to attend our ‘New Parents’ information Evening’ for which we provisionally set an alternative date for as Thursday 21st May. Given the current restrictions and plans for the next few weeks, we will not be able to run this event in school but would like to do so as a live broadcast through our You Tube channel. We know that this is less than ideal, and we very much hope that we will have an opportunity to meet with you in person, but we hope that running this event in this way will give you a clearer sense of how transition will take place and what you can expect from us in the coming weeks, months and years. Should you have any questions that arise from this we will provide contact details to respond to queries quickly.

We have now received from Primary schools most of the transition data and we will talk on Thursday evening about the next steps we will take in this unprecedented approach to transition.

In order to be able to communicate more easily with families, it would be incredibly helpful if you could provide us with contact information and email addresses. Under usual circumstances this information would be collected on the New Parents’ information evening and especially in our current situation it would be useful to have a speedier means of communication given the rapidity of changes in government plans for schools at present.

I hope that all of our prospective families are well and safe in these challenging times and I look forward to communicating with you on Thursday evening and working with you in the long term.

Yours in Christ,

Imogen Senior, Headteacher


Link for YouTube event on Thursday:

Link to Microsoft Form for data collection: