A Level Results

Congratulations to all our A Level Students!
A Level Results 2024
We are delighted for our students once again this year with their amazing results. This wonderful cohort of 63 young people have achieved some exceptional results and we are incredibly proud of them and all that they have accomplished on their journeys with us. Overall, 13% of all grades awarded to our students were A*, over a quarter (26%) were grades A or A* and 50% of all grades were A*-B grades. The overall pass rate was 97%. 14% of the student cohort achieved three or more A*/A grades.
We are very proud of all our students and particularly those whose achievements have been in the face of adversity and show their unique talents and skills. There are also some particularly exceptional results in attainment terms - Adam John achieved A*A*A*A* in Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This means that Adam will have completed his education achieving the highest grade in every qualification that he has completed and leaves St Benedict’s with 12 grade 9s at GCSE and four grade A*s at A Level.
Luc Wallace achieved A*A*A* in Maths, Biology and Chemistry.
Both Luc and Adam are taking gap years before their next steps.
Isaac Pernot achieved A*A*A* in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and A in Computer Science and will be studying Computer Science at the University of York.
Oscar Lyons will move on to the Royal Academy of Music with A*A* in Spanish and RE and a grade A in Music (which he completed at Abbeygate Sixth Form College).
Katie Dunn will study Natural Sciences at Cambridge following her A*A*A*A* grades in Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Further Maths. She was also informed that nationally, she was the highest scoring candidate in OCR’s A Level Mathematics B (MEI).
As a small school Sixth Form we are very proud of all our students and these results show that once again this is a community where all students are nurtured and supported in their talents and that the very highest grades and excellence are achievable. They are all brilliant young people who we do not doubt will go on to make the world a better place.
Mrs I Senior