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St Benedict's Catholic School

St Benedict's
Catholic School


The House System embodies the values and ethos of our Catholic School and aims to be an integral part of our school community. In time it is our ambition that the House Captains and the School Council will work together creating a stronger pupil voice to motivate students and further the community spirit of the school.

House System Objectives

Our aim is to provide every pupil in each house with the following:

  • a sense of belonging within the school community
  • opportunities to develop social, intellectual, physical and practical skills
  • a sense of achievement both inside and outside of the classroom
  • fun and excitement through competition
  • opportunities for leadership

House Organisation 

Pupils are assigned to one of the three houses on entrance to the school in Year 7 where they remain until the end of 6th form; where possible younger siblings will become a member of the same house.

Each member of staff is also attached to a house.

Each house has two designated 6th Form House Captains who will act as representatives for all the students in their house throughout the year by: helping co-ordinate house teams, organise activities and events and represent their house at relevant meetings. The House Captains will be supported by a one or two members of staff who will act a Head of House.


