How will school support my child?
- The SENDco oversees and monitors the progress of any child requiring additional help across the school
- The form tutor and / or subject teacher will oversee, plan and work with each child with special educational needs or disabilities in their class to ensure that progress
- The subject teacher and support staff will use an in-house tracking system to record the extra support your child is receiving as part of an intervention cycle and evaluate the impact of any interventions
- Students who are on the SEND register are given a One Page Profile which includes some specific targets / outcomes to ensure specific progress
Who will support my child?
- The subject teacher will be responsible for ensuring that your child makes progress in every area
- The SENDco will monitor progress and co-ordinate provision of additional support from external agencies
- Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) work in some classes and departments to offer additional support to groups and individuals as directed by the subject teacher or SENDco. Some of the LSAs in school specialise in a specific area and these staff may work with the pupil directly to try and meet their individual learning needs.
Working with Parents / Carers
Workings with parents / carers is important to us at St Benedict’s. We understand that parents know their children best, hence parent partnership is beneficial to children, parents and teaching staff!
We hold Parent Consultations, where the subject teachers will explain a student’s progress and what extra support or differentiation is being given.
Further appointments can be made with the SENDco or Deputy SENDco via the school office.
Looked after children
The SENDco and Director of Student Welfare (Lead DSL), Mrs Berry, hold professional meetings to ensure pupils who are looked after by the local authority and have additional needs are supported to the best of our ability. Meetings are held to detail any additional support and its effectiveness