British Values
The Department for Education have reported the important role which schools have
“to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
At St Benedict’s we ensure that the DfE’s definition of British Values is delivered throughout school life.

"There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body."
- Students have a voice across the school. The student council is active in school life and regularly reports to the school's Senior Leadership Team on those aspects of school where improvements can be made.
- Students have opportunities throughout the school year to complete surveys in which they can put forward their views about their learning.
- Students study democracy for example in Citizenship and History. They have also seen this in action by organising and taking part in mock elections and leading question and answer sessions with politicians.
- We have links with our current M.P, Jo Churchill and invite those running for election to come in and speak to students, these sessions are always well attended.
- During lessons students are often given opportunities to share their personal opinion on work, to give peer feedback and co-operate democratically on group tasks e.g. in Art, Design Technology and Drama.
The Rule of Law
“Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
- We have a clear behaviour policy for all to follow. This is visible around school in our 'Classroom Expectations' and in how students interact with each other.
- Within Citizenship lessons, students study the role and purpose of the law.
- We regularly send student representatives to take part in a National Mock Trial and Magistrates competition.
- Rules are learnt in different contexts for example in PE lessons students understand and practice the importance of abiding by game rules.
- Students are taught to take responsibility for what they say and do.
Mutual Respect
“Treat others as you wish to be treated”
- Our strong Catholic ethos promotes respect to all.
- This aligns with one of our school values: Compassion.
- The 'Golden Rule' of treating others as you wish to be treated underpins the school's behaviour policy.
- If an incident occurs then a restorative process begins to try to repair relationships between people.
- Respect is a key theme in lessons such as RE, PSHE and Citizenship lessons as well as in assemblies and our collective acts of worship.
Individual Liberty
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another humbly in love”
- Our students are given the freedom to make choices in a supportive environment.
- Within PSHE lessons students study risk taking and how they can try to make the best choices.
- Students are given choices throughout their school life. With regard to their learning they are able to choose their GCSE and A Level options and have more specific opportunities in individual lessons. A number of voluntary Masses and other services and events are offered by the Chaplaincy Team which students freely choose whether or not to attend. Students have the option of participating in the numerous extracurricular clubs and opportunities offered.
- As a Catholic school, we welcome religious freedom.
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, for you are all one in Christ”
- All of our students study R.E, including a compulsory GCSE course.
- The R.E. curriculum includes the study of a range of religions at KS3. For the GCSE course students study Catholic Christianity and Judaism. At A Level and in Core R.E. students learn more about a variety of different religions and world views.
- Across subjects, students study faith and belief e.g. in Art and History lessons.
- We employ a full-time Chaplaincy co-ordinator who strives to keep our school as a place where people feel comfortable sharing their views and beliefs.
- In RE and PSHE lessons students learn about how tolerance of faith is reflected in the U.K. Law e.g. through The Equality Act of 2010.
- At St Benedict’s we teach about the dangers of radicalisation and extremism. We have a strong Safeguarding policy which helps to keep our students safe.